I CAN DO ALL THINGS THROUGH CHRIST. Cause and effect… What does that mean? In the physical world, electricity is the cause and a hairdryer is the effect. Electricity is the power that causes a light bulb to glow and to become the effect of that power. In the spiritual world, God is the cause and a thunderstorm is the effect. God is the power that causes a baby to be born as an effect of that power. God’s power is just as mysterious to us as electrical power. The good news is that we don’t have to understand it, to use it. We don’t have to understand the infrastructure of a nuclear power plant in order to press the button to watch TV. Likewise, we don’t have to earn a PHD in theology to witness and observe God’s power flowing through us, as a current of electrical spiritual power. Electricity is generated by the controlled flow of water through a dam. God’s energy is generated through us by the controlled flow of thoughts in our mind and the words spoken from our mouth. We are not the cause. We are the effect. We are not the power. We are the demonstration of God’s power. May this bracelet remind you that WE CAN DO ALL THINGS THROUGH CHRIST who flows through us with a spiritual current of power, passion and potential.